= 3d Brain Atlas Reconstructor on-line service = ''Supported by an infrastructural grant[[BR]] from the Polish Ministry of Regional Development[[BR]] POIG.02.03.00-00-003/09'' == Available services == === [wiki:barServiceGetCafInfo getCafInfo] === Returns the index file of selected CAF dataset. Index file contains list of structures available for reconstruction, their hierarchy and list of slides within given dataset. syntax:: {{{ getCafInfo?cafDatasetName= [;listStructures=(True|False)] [;listHierarchy=(True|False)] [;listSlides=(True|False)] }}} === [wiki:barServiceGetReconstruction getReconstruction] === Returns a model of a given structure from selected dataset as a zip file containing the reconstruction and short description. syntax:: {{{ getReconstruction?cafDatasetName= ;structureName= [;qualityPreset=(low|medium|high)] [;outputFormat=(vrml|x3d)] }}} === [wiki:barServiceGetThumbnail getThumbnail] === Returns a thumbnail of the reconstruction of a given structure available via getReconstruction in png format. syntax:: {{{ getThumbnail?cafDatasetName= ;structureName= }}} === [wiki:barServiceGetCafSlide getCafSlide] === Returns a SVG image with CAF slide filtered by provided settings. syntax:: {{{ getCafSlide?cafDatasetName= ;slideNumber= [;structureList=[[,[...]]]] [;showLabels=(True|False)] [;showMask=(True|False)] }}}