
Version 1 (modified by pmajka, 13 years ago) (diff)


Creation of new structures

Slice details improvement

Individual substructures singled out simple line drawing and new regions labeling. Unrecognized areas can be attributed to the structures from the upper hierarchy level.

Left: New lines and appropriate labels (blinking) were added to the contour slide 1) to show primary somatosensory representation of big facial whiskers ("barrel field", S1BF) in the cerebral cortex (Cx); and 2) to divide ventrobasal complex (VB) into ventral posteromedial (VPM) and ventral posterolateral (VPL) nuclei. Unrecognized thalamic nuclei, which were not labeled with their specific names, are labeled with "Th" so they all will be included in the final reconstruction of the thalamus. Right: Updated CAF slide.

Additional elements apart anatomical data included in CAF slide

In our example we include in the slide an outline of the electrode. Spaces occupied by lesions or injected dyes can be also added to atlas elements.



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