CAF dataset for Allen Reference Atlas 1. Fetch AtlasAnnotation25.sva sparse volume file from 2. Coordinates in this volume are expressed in [ Mouse_ABAvoxel_1.0] (`ABAvoxel, INCF:0100`) SRS, in which units of measurements are voxels. In order to express coordinates in stereotaxic coordinates (with bregma point defined as origin of the coordinate system), the volume has to be transformed into [ Mouse_ABAreference_1.0] SRS (`ABAreference, INCF:0101`). 3. Such transfomration is given by the [ TransfomPOI] INCF DAI service ie. [;x=1;y=112;z=162 this] request. 4. Tranformation may be calculates from 4 points in `ABAvoxel` SRS (`p1,p2,p3,p4`) and 4 corresponding point in `ABAreference` SRS (`p1',p2',p3',p4'`) by solving following equation: